Smileys: Drink

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smiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - cappuccinosmiley - coffeesmiley - drunksmiley - emptysmiley - hangoversmiley - milksmiley - ojsmiley - pggbsmiley - redwinesmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stoutsmiley - teasmiley - winekey

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Forum Code 1c|_|
Forum Code 2<ale>
GuideML Tag<SMILEY TYPE="ale"/>
Smileysmiley - ale

What can we say? Beer is pretty much a staple of Western life, for better or for worse, but make sure you pick the right kind - we've also got a stout smiley for those who love a drop of the black stuff.


Forum Code 1>-|
Forum Code 2<bubbly>
GuideML Tag<SMILEY TYPE="bubbly"/>
Smileysmiley - bubbly

We want Bolly, and lots of it! Sick of ale? Tired of coffee? Well, roll up the caviar and smoked salmon and celebrate in style with a virtual glass of champagne. And you know the best thing? It never runs out. Gor' bless virtuality!


Forum Code 1<cappuccino>
Forum Code 2<capp>
GuideML Tag<SMILEY TYPE="cappuccino"/>
Smileysmiley - cappuccino

Ah, frothy coffee, the perfect thing to pamper yourself with when the world seems a bit sleepy and your taste buds feel like they've gone on holiday. If only the steam jets they use to heat the milk were less like a jet taking off and more like new age music, life would be perfect... unless you hate new age music, we suppose, but there you go.


Forum Code<cider>
GuideML Tag<SMILEY TYPE="cider"/>
Smileysmiley - cider

The juice of fermented apples...inexplicably surviving in a post-alcopop world.


Forum Code 1c\_/
Forum Code 2<coffee>
GuideML Tag<SMILEY TYPE="coffee"/>
Smileysmiley - coffee

Some people worship coffee, and it's easy to see why. The smell of freshly roasted coffee beans in the morning makes napalm smell positively uncouth, and as for the effect of ten cups - well, surprisingly, it's legal. Coffee rocks!


Forum Code 1:*)
Forum Code 2<drunk>
GuideML Tag<SMILEY TYPE="drunk"/>
Smileysmiley - drunk

Remember, it's unpleasant to be drunk - just ask a glass of water. Too many ales, stouts or stiff drinks might be a lot of fun, but remember the hangover waiting in the wings. And watch out for that step! Oooh, we can't watch...


Forum Code 1\_/
Forum Code 2<empty>
GuideML Tag<SMILEY TYPE="empty"/>
Smileysmiley - empty

The great debate - is the glass half full or half empty? No question in this instance - it's completely empty. And it's your round!


Forum Code<hangover>
GuideML Tag<SMILEY TYPE="hangover"/>
Smileysmiley - hangover

Too much ale? Followed by too much stout? Then you'll be suffering from a good, old-fashioned hangover, which only serves you right. Of course, you'll never touch a drop of the stuff ever again, will you? No? Tell you what, answer that question again after a quick pick-me-up.


Forum Code<milk>
GuideML Tag<SMILEY TYPE="milk"/>
Smileysmiley - milk

With all the alcohol in this smiley list, maybe it's time to think about a healthier lifestyle. If that's the case, then you could do worse than go for a nice, cool, refreshing glass of cow-juice. And if you have a hangover, we've even provided a straw so you don't have to strain your poor head too much. Awww..

Orange Juice

Forum Code 1|%|
Forum Code 2<oj>
GuideML Tag<SMILEY TYPE="oj"/>
Smileysmiley - oj

With bits or without? That's the sort of question that's really easy to answer in the evening, but you just try deciding first thing in the morning, especially when you're hungover. Orange juice: nature's very own alarm clock.

Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster

Forum Code<pggb>
GuideML Tag<SMILEY TYPE="pggb"/>
Smileysmiley - pggb

Not for the faint-hearted.

Red Wine

Forum Code 1\R/
Forum Code 2<redwine>
GuideML Tag<SMILEY TYPE="redwine"/>
Smileysmiley - redwine

The curse of pale carpets across the land, a good old glass of vino rouge. whether it's Merlot, Chiraz or just cheap plonk, this one goes very well with red meat. Ice-pack for the morning sold separately ...

Stiff Drink

Forum Code 1\%/
Forum Code 2<stiffdrink>
GuideML Tag<SMILEY TYPE="stiffdrink"/>
Smileysmiley - stiffdrink

It's funny, but we've drunk neat vodka, and it's far from stiff. It goes down just like water: not difficult to swallow at all. Unlike breakfast the next day, which is definitely stiff. Something tells us we should try it again, just to make sure that we're on the same wavelength as our smiley designers...


Forum Code 1g|_|
Forum Code 2<stout>
GuideML Tag<SMILEY TYPE="stout"/>
Smileysmiley - stout

One of the funniest blokes we know used to hang out down our local pub, drinking Guinness. Every day, without fail, he used to say to us: 'Stout. It makes you stout!' And you know the funniest thing? He really was quite chubby. Oh, how we laughed as the tears streamed down our cheeks. Happy days, they were...


Forum Code<tea>
GuideML Tag<SMILEY TYPE="tea"/>
Smileysmiley - tea

Tea is a staple, and we're not talking bendy bits of metal here. You can take it black, white, sweet or straight; you can get countless herbal versions, strains that taste like the bottom of a barbecue, and blends with names like 'super fine tippy orange pekoe'; and you can buy round bags, pyramid bags, square bags, or loose tea. How can you fail to love it?


Forum Code<winekey>
GuideML Tag<SMILEY TYPE="winekey"/>
Smileysmiley - winekey

Perhaps you wanted a really unusual corkscrew, to open that really special bottle of wine. Then the Winekey is for you.

Or perhaps you just mistyped winkeye.smiley - winkeye

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